Root words of the Qura'n
The word Qura'n can be derived from four root words, each with their own individual meaning.
1) Qura'a
Literary meaning "To collect"
or "To Compile"
2) Qar'ana
which means A Union or Conjunctions
3) Qira'athun
meaning "Read" or "Recite"
4) Qira'in
Which is the plural form of "Qarina"
It means "Evidence", "argument" or "Symbol"
Root words of the Qura'n
The word Qura'n can be derived from four root words, each with their own individual meaning.
1) Qura'a
Literary meaning "To collect"
or "To Compile"
2) Qar'ana
which means A Union or Conjunctions
3) Qira'athun
meaning "Read" or "Recite"
4) Qira'in
Which is the plural form of "Qarina"
It means "Evidence", "argument" or "Symbol"