Holy Book

                                        The Holy Book

The Holy Qura'n is the back born of Islam or the Muslim faith. On this Sacred book of Allah depend the Islamic Dawa', State, Society and culture of the Muslim community. It is the lat divine revelation to the humanity, which was sent to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the final messenger through the Holy Spirit Gibreel. The first revelation started  at the age of 40 while he was sitting in a seclusion in the cave of Hira at the top of the Mountain of Light ( Jabal Al Nur). It was revealed in Arabia and in the Arabic language.The book is not only the heart of the religion of Islam, or Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven, but a compendium of science and political document, embodying a code of laws for a kingdom on Earth.
The Holy Book is the Constitution of humanity, which is the Word of Allah and it is not authored by a human being. The Holy Book is regarded widely as the Finest Piece of Literature in Arabic language. The entire revelation was completed over a period of 23 years, from 609 A.D to 632 A.D. 

                                 Makkiyya and Madinyya

The Holy Qura'n was divided in 114 Surah (chapters) of varying lengths.The total Surah in the Qura'n classified Mekhan and Madinan depending on whether the verses were revealed before or after the migration (Hijrah). From the total Surah, 93 chapters were revealed in Makha (610-622 A.D), known as Makkiyya and the remaining the 21 were revealed in Madinah (622-632 A.D), which is called Madiniyya. Generally the Madinite Surahs are longer than the Makkiyya. The Madinite Surah comprise one-third of the whole Qura'n. Generally the Madiniyya Surah appear earlier in the Qura'n while shorter Makkan Surah appear in last part of the Holy Book.   
The Makkan revelation made the Muslims faith in Allah firmly established. This Surahs are mostly short, incisive, fiery, impassioned in style and replete with Prophetic feelings. They deal mainly with faith in Unity of Allah and are especially devoted to grounding the Ummah in that faith.
On the other hand, Madinah Surahs were aim to transformed the believes into practices and it explain the Divine Law. These Surahs are mostly long verbose and very rich in the legislative meterials.


ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നിന്നുള്ള ജനപ്രിയ പോസ്റ്റുകള്‍‌

മാധ്യമം ലേഖനം വാരിയൻ കുന്നനിൽ നിന്ന് മഹാത്മാഗാന്ധിയിലേക്കുള്ള ദൂരം

Model Question by Dr. JR