Prophet and His life at a glance

First  Administrative reforms in  Islamic Empire

  • Power of the Prophet 
(Prophet was the Sovereign Power of the State of Madina)
  • Madinah mosque was the administrative office of Prophet
From here Prophet deals the internal and external affairs of the country, it is the Secretariate and there was no any other administrative office during the life time of Prophet at Madinah except this mosque
  • Division of Arabia into Provinces
Wali, Amil, Qazi

Wali- Provincial Governors
Amil- Collector of the Tax
Qazi- Head of the Judiciary; Prophet acted himself as a Qazi
  • Revenue System under Prophet
Established a system of Central and Provincial division in the Madinah Empire
Then Prophet established a Public Treasury for the smooth economic functioning called Baith-al- Mal which is the first of such institution.

 Important Revenue Sources in the State

a) Zakat and Sadaqa
b) Jizya (Capitulation Tax)
c) Kharaj (Land Tax)
d) Ghanima (Spoil of War)
e) Al faz ( State Land)
  • Prophet was the Commander of the Army 
He organized a well disciplined army from Muhajirs and Ansars
The number of the army increased rapidly in a short span of time
  • Educational empowering
Encouraged the education of men and women
Established the first mosque school at Madinah
Sent the tutors to the neighboring territories for educate the tribes
  • Religious Institutions
Azan Introduced
Changed the direction of Qibla (From Baithul Muqaddas to Makkah or Ka'ba)
Daily prayer, Fasting and Namaz introduced by the command of Allah
Eid al Fitr and Eid al Azha made the festivals of the Muslims 
  • Social Institutions
Law of Marriage
Prohibitions of Ribah, Alcohol, adultery and other age old heinous practices among the tribal community of Arabia.


ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നിന്നുള്ള ജനപ്രിയ പോസ്റ്റുകള്‍‌

മാധ്യമം ലേഖനം വാരിയൻ കുന്നനിൽ നിന്ന് മഹാത്മാഗാന്ധിയിലേക്കുള്ള ദൂരം

Model Question by Dr. JR