Answer Key for the 2017 Exam MES Mampad College

Second Semester BA Degree Examination, March 2017
Core Course- Islamic History
Is2B02- History of Arabia up to 632 CE

  1. Dates and Water
  1. Ethiopia
  1. Salman- al-Faris
  1. Fasqh
  1. Al Harrah
  1. 610 AD
  1. Hudaibiyyah
  1. Two
  1. The faithful followers of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) - Muhajirun (refugees)- forsaken their beloved birth place and had followed Prophet to Madinah.
  1. Sacrilegious War (Harb al Fijar) during the early age of Prophet- between Quraish and Banu Kinanah on one side and the Qais Aylan on the other
  1. Geographical conditions of Arabia- Territorial differences- Weather and fertile lands- Hadarmouth.
  1. Oneness of Allah- La Ilaha Illallah- The basic belief of a Muslim
  1. Jihad is an Arabic word means struggle or strive- Holy War- striving in the way or sake of Allah.
  1. An ancient division of Arabia- enjoying more rainfall- much greener than the rest of the peninsula.
  1. Member of the ruling Quraysh of Mecca- one of early Islam's staunchest enemies- his real name was Amr ibn Hisham . Killed in the Battle of Badr.
  1. Prophet hood-a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people- The world ‘risalat’ means to take the responsibility of delivering a message or a letter or a news or of doing some good deeds.
  1. The social structure of the Arabia- Sheikh was the head – Clan feeling
  1. Prophet Muhammed an orphan- lost his father before his birth- His mother died at the age of six, protected by his grandfather and uncle.
  1. The first constitution of Islamic State-  written and promulgated by Prophet Muhammad-A mutual cooperative agreement with Yathribits in 622 A.D- it is truly a remarkable political-constitutional document.
  1.  Revealed book means that book which Allah Almighty has sent down for the guidance of mankind-Of all these heavenly books four are very prominent i.e. Torah which was revealed to Prophet Moses, Zabur (the original Psalms) to Prophet David, Bible (new Testament) to Prophet Jesus and the last one which is the highest and best is the Glorious Qur-aan which Allah.
  1. Pre Islamic Mecca’n Market- every year a fair was held for poetical competition at Ukaz- Muallaqa or Seven Odes.
  1. The first and second Aqaba-Yathiribites met the Prophet (pbuh) at a spot known as Aqabah, near Mecca, and invited them to sit with him-The treaty was most fortunate for even though Islam was growing in Yathrib.
  1. A Dhimmi, meaning "protected person"-  refers to specific individuals living in Muslim lands, who were granted special status and safety in Islamic law in return for paying the capital tax.
  1. When the marriage vows are recited, the husband gives his wife a gift that is called Mahr or Sadaq- Mahr (dowry) is one of the rights of the wife - there is no limitation in the type of Mahr—it can be any type of property.
  1. One of the greatest of the Arab poets of pre-Islamic times, best known for his long ode in the Muʿallaqāt collection- Zuhayr’s poem in Al-Muʿallaqāt praises the men who brought peace between the clans of ʿAbs and Dhubyān.
  1. The Isrā & Mi’rāj refers to the night when the (PBUH) was taken on a miraculous journey by Allāh Almighty- The word Isrā means to travel by night. This indicates the Prophet’s (PBUH) journey from Makka to Masjid Aqsā in Jerusalem. Mi’rāj means ‘the means of ascending.’ This word is used to describe the upward journey from Jerusalem to the heavens and beyond.
  1.   The nomadic tribes ranged over the peninsula and plundered the caravans and the small settlements- The most remarkable feature of the political life of Arabia before Islam was the total absence of political organization in any form- Tribalism or ‘asabiyya (the clan spirit) took precedence over ethics.
  1. The tradition of Arabic literature stretches back some 16 centuries- “Poetry is the register of the Arabs- The literature of the Jāhilīyah era was that of a partly Bedouin- Pre-Islamic odes termed “the suspended poems” (al-muʿallaqāt), because they were supposed to have won an annual contest at the Fair of ʿUkāẓ and were therefore hung up for all to view-Both male and female poetic voices existed in the pre-Islamic period.
  1. Holy Prophet of Islam reached the age of 40, he was ready for his divine mission- seclude himself in the cave of Mount Hira- one of the odd nights during the last ten days of the month of Ramadan- Angel Gibreel presence appeared before the perplexed Mohammad and said to him: “Iqra’” (Read or Recite—the word Iqra’ has an ambiguous meaning). Mohammad replied that he could not recite or did not know what to recite-that are now recorded as the fist 5 Ayahs of the 96th Surah Al-Qalam, (The Pen) of the Qur’an- The experience of this first revelation shakes him and stuns him. He hurries to his wife Khadijah and asks her to cover him with a blanket.
  1. Strategies of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in wars and struggles- battle strategies in the battle of Badr, Uhd and Battle of Ditch- Diplomatic agreements with the tribal leaders.
  1. Hajj  the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca prescribed for every Muslim once in a lifetime- The fifth of the fundamental Muslim practices-Performing the Hajj is the spiritual high point of the Muslims life- Hajj is a demonstration of the universality of Islam and the brotherhood and equality of Muslims- There is no distinction whatsoever between the poor and the rich, the young and the old, regardless of colour, race, nationality and language they gather together at the same place and at the same time, for the same purpose - a practical demonstration of equality, brotherhood and unity- Hajj is, most definitely, the largest single gathering of people in one place, at one time, for one purpose – to show their allegiance to Allah.
  1. The significance of hijrah is not limited to Islamic history or to Muslims- Hijrah was one of the most important events in the history of Islam- The hijrah not only reshaped – socially and politically – the Arab Peninsula, but also had its impact on worldwide civilizations- the migration was a transitional line between the two major eras, regarding to the message of Islam; the era of Makkah and the era of Madinah-Transition of Da’wah from regionalism-Transition from the position of weakness, where the non-believers of Makkah – particularly the people of Quraysh- humiliated, tortured and killed Muslims, to the position of security- Transition from spreading Islam through individual Da’wah to the spreading of Islam through institutionalized Da’wah, initiated the state.
  1. Prophets journey to Umrah- Hudiabiyah treaty- The violation of the terms by the Banu Bakr tribe- Jan 630 A.D Prophet advanced to Makkah with 10000 companions- Strategically division of the army- Abu Sufyan and his family emberaced Islam- A bloodless enter of Prophet in to his home town and general amnesty was extended- An un parallel triumph in history.
  1. Khutba-e-Hajjatul-Wada- delivered on the day of Arafat on his last Hajj on the tenth year after Hijra- The speech was meant to be his farewell to the Islamic Ummah- It declares the right to humanity- The sermon of the Holy Prophet is remarkable not only for its eloquence, but also for the sublime message for the whole of the human race-It establishes brotherhood among Muslims irrespective of the divergence of their geographical, racial and colour backgrounds and provides an outline of a social order, perfectly free from oppression and injustice.
  1. Islam means the submission to Almighty and Tawheed is the fundamental article of the religion - The essential teachings of Islam are based on five principles, referred to as the ‘Five Pillars of Islam’, arkan,- to which all members of the Islamic community, Umma, should adhere- Testimony of faith (Shahadah)- Formal Prayers (Salah)- Compulsory Charity (Zakah)- Fasting (Sawm)- Pilgrimage (Hajj).
  1. Prophet had a dream that he had entered the Sacred mosque- fourteen hundred un armed companions set out for the pilgrimage – Quraish oppositions, therefore stopped at Hudaibiyah- Bait-e-Rizvan- Terms of the treaty- very harsh and against the Muslim interests- But later the treaty to be a manifest victory for the believers. The treaty proved to be beneficial for the cause of Islam- This was the turning point for the Muslims.
  1. Pre Islamic conditions of Arabia- Birth of Prophet Muhammed as an orphan- Amina sent her son to suckle and nurture with Halimah- cleaning of the heart- Death of Amina and guardianship of Abdul Muttalib- Syrian journey- Al Ameen- Battle of Fijar and Treaty of Fudul- others recognized the mole as the sign of prophet hood- Marriage with Khadija- resolved the conflict on Kaba renovation- Revelation of Quran- Persecutions of Quraish-  Caring of Abu Talib- Early migrations- Pledge of Aqaba- Hijrah.  
  1.  The end of the sixth century Mekha was the trade centre of Arabia- Fair of Ukaz- Muallaqat or the odes are all in the classical qaṣīdah pattern- Provide an excellent picture of Bedouin life, manners, and modes of thought- The list usually accepted as standard was names  Imruʾ al-Qays, Ṭarafah, Zuhayr, Labīd, ʿAntarah, ʿAmr ibn Kulthum, and al-Ḥārith ibn Ḥilliza. Such authorities as Ibn Qutaybah, however, count ʿAbid ibn al-Abras as one of the seven- Their vivid imagery, exact observation, and deep feeling of intimacy with nature in the Arabian Desert contribute to the Muʿallaqāt’s standing as a masterpiece of world literature. 


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Model Question by Dr. JR