Tabaqat-i- Nasiri

Tabaqat-i- Nasiri

Another important work written by Minhaj-ud-din Siraj, was a 13th Century exceptional historian.
A Chief Qazi in Delhi under Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud
Translated by  Raverty to English
This work gave an account of the conquest of Hindustan by Muhammed of Ghor.
This book is a vital source of the early history Sultanate.
He produced an elaborate history of the Islamic world in 23 small but compact volumes or books entitled “Tabaqat-i-Nasiri
 This work is brief and straight forward. It deals with the birth of Islam, the history of the Caliph and Muslim rulers of various countries and periods. It narrates the story of Muslim India up to sixties of the 13th Century.
Also it is an important source book for the reconstruction of the history of foundation of Muslim rule in Bengal. The history of the first fifty years of Muslim rule in Bengal is found only in this text.

Tap the link for full English text 


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മാധ്യമം ലേഖനം വാരിയൻ കുന്നനിൽ നിന്ന് മഹാത്മാഗാന്ധിയിലേക്കുള്ള ദൂരം

Model Question by Dr. JR